To help protect an increasing population of individuals that suffer from Dementia or Alzheimer's North Carolina developed the Silver Alert program to quickly disseminate descriptive information about the missing elderly person who may be endangered, so that citizens in the affected area can be on the lookout for the endangered person and notify local law enforcement with any relevant information. The program is a cooperative effort among local and state law enforcement and the N.C. Center for Missing Persons, with voluntary participation by radio and television broadcasters and the N.C. Department of Transportation.
The North Carolina General Assembly formally established the program in 2007 by General Statute § 143B-1022; it is operated through the N.C. Center for Missing Persons.
Active Alerts
There are currently no active alerts. If you are looking for past alerts, please visit our archives.
The following statutory criteria must be met before the N.C. Center for Missing Persons will activate a Silver Alert:
Silver Alert will provide a statewide system for the rapid dissemination of information regarding a missing person who is believed to be suffering from dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, that requires them to be protected from potential abuse or other physical harm, neglect, or exploitation.
Believed to have Dementia or Alzheimer.
Adult 50 years of age or older.
Reported Missing to law Enforcement within 72 hours.
Endanger of abuse, physical harm, neglect or exploitation.
Step 1 - Local Law Enforcement Investigates
When a family member or caregiver calls local law enforcement to report someone with dementia/Alzheimer’s missing, the law enforcement agency must first investigate the case and determine if the request warrant’s a Silver Alert.
Step 2 - Local Law Enforcement Calls NC Center for Missing Persons
- Enter the missing person into the National Criminal Information Center system
- Initiate a statewide “be on the lookout” bulletin to all appropriate law enforcement agencies
- Provide a 24-hour phone number to receive calls during the investigation
- After completing the investigation and determining the case meets the qualifying criteria, law enforcement will go to the NC Center for Missing Persons (NCCMP) website ( ) and complete the request for Silver Alert.
- Once the missing person has been located, the requesting law enforcement agency will complete the cancelation in the NCCMP website.
Law enforcement may also:
Activate phone calls in the immediate area using a type of reverse 911 calling system.
Using the A Child is Missing program, law enforcement can notify 1,000 businesses and/or residents each minute
NC Center for Missing Persons Responsibilities
Once the Silver Alert request is received via email from the NCCMP website the alert will be denied or approved.
A copy of the email will be sent to the requesting agency email provided
All updates and changes will be done through NCCMP ( ) by the requesting agency
All notifications, updates and changes will be received via the requesting agency email provided.
If a loved one is missing, family and friends should immediately notify local law enforcement. When a person is abducted, time is valuable.
- File a police or sheriff's report. Include information on where the missing person was last known to be, as well as names of the individual's family and friends. Provide officers with a recent photo as soon as possible.
- Request that law enforcement put out a Be On the Look Out (BOLO) Bulletin.
- Ask for an organized search with the use of tracking dogs if possible.
- If the missing person has alzheimer's or some other cognitive impairement, ask local law enforcement to have a Silver Alert issued.
- Limit access to your home until law enforcement investigators arrive and have collected evidence.
- Give investigator all facts and circumstances related to disappearance including what efforts have already been made.
- Write a detailed description of clothing and any personal belongings the person may have. Note any birthmarks, scars, tattoos, or mannerisms, and supply any photo that may show the marks. Give this information to the investigator.
- Designate one person to answer your telephone. Keep a pad of paper by the phone to jot down names, telephone numbers, date and time of calls and the purpose of the call. You may want to get law enforcement to put a tracer on your phone and get an answering machine that will tape calls. You may also want to add caller ID. If you do not have a cell phone, you may want to get one so that you can be reached at any time.
For cases that are older than 30 days, help officers locate dental and medical records.
N.C. Center for Missing Persons: 1-800-522-5437